Israel: Then & Now made its world premiere at the Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage in September of 2018. This first-of-its-kind special exhibition combines historic images, milestone moments, interactive media, and film to take a look back and imagine what's ahead for this 70 year young country. Available to travel starting June of 2019.
In 1948, when Israel was declared the first Jewish state, it gave the Jewish people an opportunity to create a home for themselves and their children — what would come of this land, the people, and a culture?
Take a look back and imagine what's ahead during this world premiere special exhibition that combines milestone moments, historic images, interactive media, and film to explore Israel: Then & Now.
In 1948, when Israel was declared the first Jewish state, it gave the Jewish people an opportunity to create a home for themselves and their children — what would come of this land, the people, and a culture?
Take a look back and imagine what's ahead during this world premiere special exhibition that combines milestone moments, historic images, interactive media, and film to explore Israel: Then & Now.
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© 2018 Maltz Museum of Jewish Heritage