CONVENIENT, REWARDING & SUPER IMPORTANT: 3 Reasons To Volunteer As A Stop the Hate® Reader

Stop the Hate ReaderHelp us encourage students to consider the devastating effects of intolerance and formulate their role in ensuring a brighter, more inclusive future. As part of our annual Stop the Hate®: Youth Speak Out essay contest, an anticipated 4,000+ 6 – 12th graders from across Northeast Ohio will share ways that they can help end indifference and discrimination in their community. We’ll celebrate this next generation of community leaders and award $100,000 in cash prizes and scholarships but we can’t do it without you. Here are three reasons we hope you’ll volunteer as an essay reader:

  1. It’s convenient. You can volunteer from anywhere!
    Perhaps one of the most appealing aspects to being a reader is that you can participate from literally anywhere. It’s an online process so all you need is a little time and computer access. You can settle in and score wherever and whenever it is most convenient for you—at the local coffee shop, at your desk over lunch break, or, of course, on your couch cloaked in a warm blanket! Since scoring is location agnostic, readers volunteered from 17 different states and the District of Columbia last year. Feel free to encourage your local and non-local friends to help out from wherever they may be.
  2. You are crucial to the success of the contest.
    We need to recruit an estimated 700 readers to make sure each student-submitted essay is read and scored multiple times. There are two separate reading periods this year and we hope you’ll sign up for both December 7-16 and January 25-Feburary 3. The exact number of entries you’ll read is dependent on the submission-to-reader ratio, but we anticipate you’ll review approximately 15 typed essays for each period, scoring each one based on a Museum-provided rubric. That’s just an hour or two of your time to help discover and recognize the next generation of leaders!
  3. It’s rewarding—for you and for the student finalists.
    As a Stop the Hate® reader, you help decide which students win prizes ranging from a $300 award to $40,000 scholarship. This competition is a game-changing event for student upstanders. But the insightful words of young people who have witnessed intolerance and are committed to creating a brighter, more inclusive world also have the power to change you.  “It’s both inspiring and heartbreaking to hear the student perspectives,” wrote a veteran volunteer reader. “This has become a cause near and dear to my heart.”

Please register to be a reader this year by following THIS LINK and filling out the online form. Please carefully read the qualifications and don’t forget to share with your friends!

If you have any questions, please contact me at 216.593.0587 or

— Wesley Aaron Bane, Manager, Volunteers and Visitor Services



Maltz Museum