Why did you initially join the museum and why have you stayed a member all these years?
I was retiring from teaching and was looking for a way to become involved and volunteer in the Jewish community. At that time the Maltz Museum was opening and I decided that would be a meaningful place to give my time and meet new people. Having been brought up Jewish, I was interested in continuing on in my learning of new things and of the history of Judaism. My husband and I became members right away and have been ever since. I feel when you volunteer for an organization you recognize the many benefits that are offered and take advantage of them.
The Maltz Museum is such a welcoming and warm place, everyone is friendly, upbeat, and helpful. I was a docent in the beginning, enjoying the time with school groups. Now I enjoy being at the registration desk. I like talking to people and answering their questions. It’s a good feeling to know you are helping others. I am always learning new things when I am at the Museum.
What is your favorite benefit from being a member?
There are terrific events, programs, and holidays being celebrated at the Museum, something for everyone. I especially enjoy the Wednesday evening programs; they are well presented and cover many topics with a wide interest.
What has been your favorite special exhibition?
My favorite was Cradle of Christianity. I like the diverse selection of exhibitions that the Museum has offered. Another favorite exhibition was Violins of Hope. It was extremely knowledgeable and meaningful.
To learn more contact Michelle Fienberg at mfeinberg@mmjh.org