How Jews Transformed Modern Art

April 22, 24, 29, and May 1 at 10:00 am
Held Online
$90 for all four sessions

This course will explore the tremendous contribution that Jewish immigrant artists played in creating “modern art” in early 20th century Paris, and later in New York City. Perhaps equally as important was the influence of Jewish art dealers, who supported and promoted the art of Jewish and non-Jewish avantgarde artists. The role of Jewish connoisseurs, art collectors, and critics is integral to a full appreciation of the Jewish contribution to modern art. The last session will be a virtual tour of the CMA featuring 7 artworks by some of the ground-breaking artists that were represented by the early entrepreneurial Jewish art dealers and what the critics had to say about their work.

Dr. Linda Sandhaus is a retired pathologist who worked at University Hospitals. Now, a volunteer docent at the Cleveland Museum of Art through their school tour program and is a member of the Women’s Council, a group of museum supporters who volunteer, provide financial support and demonstrate an interest in the museum’s collections, exhibitions and programs. Sandhaus is also a member of the board of directors of BlueWater Chamber Orchestra, a Cleveland-based orchestra founded in 2010 and comprised of Northeast Ohio musicians.

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Apr 22 2025


10:00 am - 11:30 am

Maltz Museum