Wondering If You Should Participate in the Stop the Hate Essay Contest? Here Are Four Reasons to Submit Your Essay

Maybe you’ve been considering the Stop the Hate essay contest and wondered: Should I participate? Is it worth it? Sharing a story about a difficult topic can be hard, particularly when it impacts your life. But, submitting a 500-word essay for this contest is worth it in more ways than one.

Here are a few reasons to get writing…

#1 Your experience and perspective matter

When you speak your mind on issues that impact people’s lives, you shine a light on a challenging topic. That light gets people thinking and talking—it may even cause someone to recall similar situations in their own lives.
Beyond giving audiences a relatable scenario, you’re also providing insight into your emotional process—and what you did or want to do to right a wrong. Sharing your story and the process you went through gives insight, hope, and inspiration to more people than you know.

#2 Have the courage of your convictions

It’s one thing to think something is a problem or unfair. It’s another to say or do something about it. When you encounter exclusion, bigotry, and bias, it can be scary. So scary, that it can make you want to shut down and stay quiet. But, even if it’s scary, it’s better to have your voice heard.

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. — Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Staying quiet isn’t always the best way, even when the odds seem stacked against you. Sharing your story has the power to make change and even change lives. And sometimes silence can do more harm than good.

#3 Your story can create a ripple effect

Have you considered that sharing your story might be one small thing that can make a big difference? Writing about an experience in 500 words may not seem like it can change the world, but it can. One of our contest participants said it best: “Sometimes small actions can make a big change.”

Remember that chances are, there’s someone or some community out there facing a similar situation. Your story—shining a light on hate, injustice, and exclusion—has the power to help someone not feel alone. Better still it may lead them to answers and a better road ahead.

#4 Win money for college

It’s no secret that the cost of college has been steadily growing in recent years. That’s why every dollar counts. $20,000 goes a long way in taking a bite out of those tuition bills. Even our second runner-up wins $10,000 and the third runner-up wins $5,000. The bottom line is it’s well worth it to speak your mind in 500 words or less for a chance to fund your college education.

If you haven’t already, enter the contest!

Share what you’ve learned through your life experiences and tell how you’ll apply that knowledge in helping to create a brighter future.

Enter the Stop the Hate Contest

Important Reminder: Submission Deadlines

  • Grades 6-10 essay submissions are due Thursday, January 9, 2025
  • Grades 11 & 12 essay submission are due: Thursday, January 16, 2025


Maltz Museum